Proof GmbH: 3x Fogra certified for contract proofs according to Fogra 39, 51, 52 and 55

Since March 2025 Proof GmbH has again been certified according to Fogra 39 – ISOCoatedV2, Fogra 51 – PSOcoatedV3 and Fogra 52 – PSOuncoatedV3 for the production of contract proofs.

Proof GmbH is the world's first company certified for the new printing conditions Fogra 51, Fogra 52, Fogra 54 and Fogra 59

  • We have produced the certification proofs for the Fogra on Epson SureColor P7000 and Epson SureColor P9500 proof printers. With this certification, we have again certified our quality by Fogra.
  • The certification proofs were created on all three systems with Spectroproofer meters.
  • The certification proofs were made on three proof papers: the EFI Gravure Proof paper 4245 for Fogra 39, the EFI 8245OBA paper for Fogra 51  and  the EFI 8175OBA for Fogra 52.
  • We are thus certified for the most important printing standards, both on brightener-containing papers as well as on brightener-free 4245 paper.
  • For the first time this year we have also conducted a Certification for the colour accuracy of PANTONE Spot Colours in all three proofing standards, which fogra accredited by the Spot-cert Logo
The production of color-correct proofs has become one of the most important factors in the quality control of printed products. The Fogra media wedge in the prepress and printing work has become a reliable and independent control tool for verifying the color accuracy of digital print documents.

The following aspects have been verified during the Fogra certification:

  • The colour accuracy based on the Ugra / Fogra media wedge CMYK V3
  • The colour accuracy for the reproduction of PANTONE Spot Colours
  • The colour accuracy on the basis of the test panel ISO 12642-2, the color range and the gray balance
  • The tonal value transmission and presentation of gradients
  • The register integrity and resolution of the proofs
  • The colorimetric tonal value transfer
  • The homogeneity
  • The correctness of the status information in the job ticket


The Fogra determines the successful certification, which you can check on the pages of Fogra by entering the certificate number 33246. The detailed test reports can be downloaded here:  

Certificate number 36444

Certificate number 38525

Certificate number 35140

Certificate number 34558

Certificate number 33812

Certificate number 33246

Certificate number 32473

Certificate number 31556

Certificate number 30710

Certificate number 29712

Certificate number 28651

Certificate number 27643


 FOGRA certification 33812 - Proof GmbH 2020

