Colour binding Roll-Ups

You need a roll-up with PANTONE colours? Do you need a roll-up with the motif of your image brochure, which should look identical? We supply precise, accurate and high-quality colour-binding roll-ups in proof quality for all PANTONE and HKS spot colours and classic print colour spaces including UGRA/Fogra media wedge and test report. 5 different, high-quality roll-up mechanisms are available, including a linkable version that can be combined to create exhibition walls.

proof for color accurate Roll-Ups

Roll-Up-motif as miniature contract proof

In case you want to take a look at the colors and the quality of our Roll-Up prints, we offer to print a scaled down version of your roll-up as a contract proof. Fot this, we use the same printing system and the same film, as for the final Roll-Ups. Your motif is scaled down to 15 cm in width and beside it you'll find a jobticket, which contains important information about the RIP, printer, rendering intent, color-profiles and spot-colors. Next to the jobticket, You'll find the UGRA/Fogra-mediawwedge CMYK 3.0 and the measurement protocol, which certifies the color accuracy of the roll-up print.

Advantages at a glance

  Assurance before ordering.
  You can test the accuracy of colors, especially spot-colors. 
14,50 EUR
halogen spot 12V/50W incl. transformer, light-bulb, fastener & bag
The halogen spot 12V/50W incl. transformer, light-bulb, fastener & bag is optional.
57,90 EUR color accurate Roll-Up 5 in Contract Proof Quality - Screwable connection piece
Screwable connection piece to connect several Roll-Up 5's together. The result is an almost seamless, slightly curved graphic wall.
Sliding scale prices:
1-3 units per 20,00 EUR
4-9 units per 20,00 EUR
ab 10 units per 15,00 EUR
20,00 EUR color accurate Roll-Up 5 in Contract Proof Quality - Magnetic profile connector
Magnetic connector to connect several Roll-Up 5's together. The result is an almost seamless, slightly curved graphic wall.
Sliding scale prices:
1-3 units per 20,00 EUR
4-9 units per 20,00 EUR
ab 10 units per 15,00 EUR
20,00 EUR
1 to 10 (from a total of 10)